The creative process of the show "Women of Troy", a common journey of inspiration
Despite potential language barriers and modification of rehearsals, sometimes physically and sometimes online, building the “Women of Troy” show has been an inspiring journey for the participating artist/s.
Under the direction of feminist directors, Maja Mitić and Zana Hoxha the cast of actor/actresses from Kosovo and Serbia have conducted physical rehearsals in Pristina, online, and most recently physically in Prizren, before the presentation of the show at Cinema Lumbardhi on April 15, 2024
From intense rehearsals to creative interpretations of actor/actresses, melting Euripid’s timeless text with Selman’s modern touch, added depth and emotion to “The Women of Troy”. Bilingualism, sometimes trilingualism, during the show's creation rehearsals added unique value to this process. The Lumbardhi cinema scene, with all the history and cultural heritage that it carries, provided an adequate environment for close and creative cooperation with choreographer Robert Nuha and composer Liburn Jupolli, who gave the performance an originality, seemingly noting the pain of survivors of the Troy War, adapting it to the stories of today.
“Women of Troy” is supported by European Union in Kosovo (via Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality & Trust project), UNFPA Kosovo , U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo .
Partners in this event are Artpolis and Helsinski Odbor for Human Rights (Serbia).
The Creative Process of the "Women of Troy" Performance: A Journey of Shared Inspiration
Despite possible language barriers and modifications to rehearsals, both physical and online, the production of "Women of Troy" has been an inspiring journey for the participating artists.
Under the direction of feminist directors Maja Mitić and Zana Hoxha, the cast of actors from Kosova and Serbia have undergone physical rehearsals in Prishtina, online sessions, and finally physical rehearsals in Prizren, before the performance at Cinema Lumbardhi on April 15, 2024.
From intensive rehearsals to the actors' creative interpretations, the fusion of Euripides' timeless text with the modern touch of Shpëtim Selmani added depth and emotion to "Women of Troy". The bilingual, sometimes trilingual, nature of the rehearsal process added unique value to this production. The Lumbardhi cinema stage, with its rich history and cultural heritage, provided a suitable environment for close and creative collaboration with choreographer Robert Nuha and composer Liburn Jupolli, who brought originality to the performance, highlighting the pain of the survivors of the Trojan War and adapting it to narratives from the present days.
“Women of Troy” is supported by UNFPA (through ‘Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality & Trust’ project), European Union and US Embassy in Kosova.
Partners in this activity are Artpolis and Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (Serbia).
2022 Kolekcija Šlomović( Collection of Shlomović)
Tekst, režiju i izvedbu potpisuju Maja Mitić i Milena Pavlović i tim saradnika: video montaža- Marko Milošević, zvuk - Marko Kerkez,vizuelni identitet kutija- Anastasija Tasić, svetlo- Marko Djokić, ton-Mirljub Vladić.Fotografije: Miloš Lužanin.
Ovo je predstava koja se kroz priču o slikarskoj kolekciji Eriha Šlomovića, njegovom životu, periodu pre, za i posle II Svetskog rata bavi pitanjem „kome umetnost pripada i koliko je važno sačuvati je“?
Sama kolekcija je fascinantna , sastoji se od slikarskih dela najvećih Svetskih majstora ,poput Renoara, Sezana, Pikasa, Matisa, Šagala, Koktoa,Dega,Kurbazijea i dr.Njen značajno veći deo se nalazi u Narodnom Muzeju Srbije od 1949. Drugi deo koji je Gdin.Šlomović 1939 ostavio u sefu jedne Pariške banke, je posle otvaranja, (1981) zbog dugogodišnjeg ne plaćanja,završila, po želji porodice Volar, na aukciji 2010.Oko ove kolekcije, kao i života gdina.Šlomovića je bilo puno rasprava, sudjenja,tajni,zagonetki i nerazjašnjenih detalja.
2017 - Sama je tražila ( She Asked for it)-predstva/performance
Predstava o različitim oblicima nasilja nad ženama (fizičko, psihičko, seksualno, vršnjačko, finansijsko itd)
SHE ASKED FOR IT, performance about various forms of violence against women (Physical, Psychological, Sexual, Peer, Financial, etc.
The history of the founder previous work
2015- Nekada Plava/ Previously Blue
2014 - The Shivering of the Rose (2014)
2013 - Prisustvo odsustva/The Presence of Absence
2010 - The Nastasijević Code (2010)
2009 -Crossing the Line (2009)
2009 - Two grannies, four cats, and a scooter (2009)
2007 - In Search of the City (2007)
2006 - The Story of Tea (2006)
2005-2016 performances in the buses - IN/Visible city-NE/Vidljivi Grad
2005 - Alice and Kafka are Dead Long Live the Rosenbergs (2005)
2002 - Inner Mandala (2002)
2002 - Cirque Macabre (2002)
2001 - Maps of Forbidden Remembrance (2001)
1998 - The Helen Keller Case (1998)
1998 - Angels in the Cities (1998)
1996 - Angel’s Memories
1995 - The Legend about the End of the World
1994 - Zenit
1992 - This Babylonian Confusion
1992 - The Gifts from Our Ancestors (1992)