Welcome to Kosmos Teater
Welcome to Kosmos Theater, the place where acting and magic converge. Immerse yourself in a world full of emotions and stories that will enchant you.
Ko-smo(s) Teatar osnovala je Maja Mitić 2016. iz želje za stvaranjem prostora za kreativni i posvećeni rad različitih umetničkih disciplina. Ovo je umetnički prostor za umetnike koji žele da eksperimentišu, koji se u tom procesu ne boje neizvesnosti rezultata, već im je sam proces važan, i koji rade zajedno u svim segmentima ("devised art work"), preplićući sve umetničke izraze i discipline u potrazi za dejstvom i komunikacijom sa gledaocem XXI veka. Zato i ime teatra ko-smo(s)? Za mene: Ko smo svi mi? Ili kada se napiše zajedno: KOSMOS znači beskrajnost, neizvesnost, prasak, daljina i bliskost, ali i rađanje i kreativnost kroz eksperiment do kreacije.
Ko-smo(s) Teatar was founded by Maja Mitić in 2016 out of a desire to create a space for the creative and dedicated work of various artistic disciplines. This is an artistic space for artists who want to experiment, who are not afraid of the uncertainty of results in that process, but for whom the process itself is important. They work together in all segments ("devised art work"), overlapping all artistic expressions and disciplines in search of action and communication with the audience of the 21st century. Hence the name of the theater, ko-smo(s)? for me: Who are we all? Or when written together: KOSMOS means infinity, uncertainty, explosion, distance and closeness but also birth and creativity in experimental to the creation.
Projekat u toku - Current projects
SUPORTED By WBF www.westernbalkansfund.org
Podržan od WBF (Zapadni Balkan Fond)
Ovo je zajednički pozorišni projekat koji ima za cilj ponovno otkrivanje i odavanje počasti zanemarenim pionirima demokratije i feminizma na Zapadnom Balkanu. Vodi ga iskusna umetnica "procesnog teatara" Maja Mitić, osnivačica Ko-smo(s) Teatar, Srbija. Inicijativa uključuje istraživanje i probe sa mladim umetnicima u ARTPOLIS-u, Kosovo, Centar za društvo, Albanija i Bunt Teatar, Crna Gora. Kroz predstave i pozorišne instalacije, projekat nastoji da premosti regionalne podele, neguje međuljudske veze i doprinese zajedničkom istorijskom razumevanju, naglašavajući isceljujuću moć pozorišta u vremenima napetih odnosa između četiri zemlje.
SUPPORTED by WBF (West Balkan Fund)
The project is a collaborative theatre project aimed at rediscovering and honouring the overlooked pioneers of democracy and feminism in the West Balkans. Led by an experienced artist in devised theatre-Maja Mitić,Ko-smo(s) Teatar,serbia , the initiative involves researching and rehearsing with young artists iat ARTPOLIS,Kosovo ,Act for Society Centre, Albania and Bunt Teatar, Monte Negro. Through performances and theatrical installations, the project seeks to bridge regional divides, foster people-to-people connections, and contribute to a shared historical understanding, emphasizing the healing power of theatre in times of tense relationships among the four countries.
Pristina, Kosovo-ArtPolis
Tirana, Albania-Act for Society Centre
Podgorica, Montenegro-Bunt Teatar
15 - 21.03.2024
Kreativno pisanje na temu o zaboravljenih ljudim sa fokusom na žene, važnim za stvaranje demokratije u našim društvima/Creative writing about forgotten peopel,foxus on women, in our society that were important for democracy
Glumački trening i rad na improvizacijama/Actores training and work on improvisations
Sastanak sa Armelom Peci Pengili- Izvršnom direktorkom ACT for Society u Tirani moji partneri na projektu/Meeting with Armela Peci Pengili Executive director of ACT for SOCIETY in Tirana- partneri na projektu
Refleksija učesnika na radionicu - Participants reflection on the workshop
ArtPolis ,Pristina, Kosovo
Scenario koji smo uradili tokom radionioce/Scenario that we did through workshop
Refleksija učesnika na radionicu - Participants reflection on the workshop
Tirana ,Albania 20-27.04.2024 Faculty of Drama Art
Scenario koji smo uradili tokom radionioce/Scenario that we did through workshop
Tirana ,Albania 20-27.04.2024 Faculty of Drama Art
Refleksija učesnika na radionicu - Participants reflection on the workshop
Podgorica, Crna Gora/Montenegro, Bunt Scena 8-15.05.2024
Scenario koji smo uradili tokom radionioce/Scenario that we did through workshop
Podgorica, Crna Gora/Montenegro, Bunt Scena 8-15.05.2024
Refleksija učesnika na radionicu - Participants reflection on the workshop
Podgorica, Crna Gora/Montenegro, Bunt Scena 8-15.05.2024
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Kosmos Teatar
belgrade, serbia